By Aamir Ghauri
Both Mr Zardari and Benazir Bhutto staunchly deny owning Rockwood.
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Asif Zardari: Allegedly visited Rockwood on short trips
They say that the many allegations of corruption made against them - including the purchase of Rockwood - are politically motivated lies.
Both have been found guilty of corruption in their home country, where Mr Zardari is currently in prison.
His business associate in Britain, Javaid Pasha, denies any responsibility for the refurbishment work and is trying to have Mr Keating's case against him thrown out.
Surrey Palace is a household name in Pakistan
Pakistani journalist Aamir Ghauri
Meanwhile in Surrey, residents of the village of Brook, near Rockwood, seem unperturbed by the wrangles going on over the property.
"There are a lot of famous people who live in this area, so it's just another neighbour more than any thing else," said Chris Morris, the landlord of the Dog and Pheasant pub, a few 100 yards down the road from Rockwood.
"When I first arrived here, there were a couple of carpenters came in and actually copied the bar in the cellar up at Rockwood because they couldn't buy it," Mr Morris said.
But in Pakistan there is much interest in the mansion and who owns it - a subject of much speculation in the Pakistani press.
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