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Thursday, February 18, 2010

How CIA Incapacitates Pakistan

A CIA helicopter evacuated top TTP leadership into Afghanistan before the start of Pakistani military operation
Terrorists from TTP enjoy safe havens inside Afghanistan with the help of CIA and RAW
Satellite mobile phones from a Gulf state were provided to the terrorists of TTP & Swat
CIA helped RAW establish a base in Afghanistan
No CIA drones ever attacked any of the TTP & Swat terrorists as they freely called BBC and western media
Nuristan province in Afghanistan has a base run by CIA, RAW & NDS providing full support to terrorists inside Pakistan
In 1995, Benazir Bhutto and Ashraf Jahangir Qazi purged 125 ISI officers to appease CIA

The proof about instances of covert US support to some hardened militant outfits and terrorist activities they carried out over the past few weeks and months, was presented to Panetta. It was indeed a startling revelation for the top US spy and a bold maneuver of Pakistan Army. General Pasha’s move surprised Panetta as the evidence presented was categorical in proving that the CIA officials provide assistance to perpetrators of some of the most serious and deadly attacks on offices and key persons in Pakistan’s security services. Here are the details of what transpired between ISI’s Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha and CIA’s Leon Panetta.


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